Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Luck Be a Lady

Well I don't really believe in luck, but over the last few months I have started to think there is something to it :-) In the last few months I have won:

1 - iPod Touch ($300 value)

1 - Slingbox (then sold on eBay for $120)

1 - $50 Giftcard to LL Bean (for catching the biggest fish)

1 - charity poker tournament (where I got my money back for winning - but more importantly I beat Chris)

1 - $100 gift certificate to a local spa

In addition, my reps have been coming out of the woodwork to take me to Red Sox games, fishign trips and spa nights. And I even scored Red Sox tickets for Chris and I to go to the game last night for our 2nd anniversary!

Don't know if this is luck, or just God smiling down on me, but I hope it keeps on coming!

I got to go buy a lottery ticket!


Kari said...

I didn't know you were going to abuse your blog by bragging and making us all feel bad. Haha! I'm just teasing - it really is fun to have this "lucky streak". Keep it coming and share with your friends. :)

Sarah said...

Haha...I am just amazed myself. I never used to win anything! Apparently 2008 is my year :-)