Friday, August 15, 2008

Jokes from a Nun

A long time ago Chris befriended a nun who was a patient of his mother's up on Manchester, NH. It is been a few years since he had seen Sister Gertrude, so he and his mom went for a visit the other day. She is now 97, but apparently is only the 2nd oldest of the sisters, and is apparently still able to tell a joke or two. These jokes were right up my dorky alley, so I thought I would share with all of you.

Two hats were hanging on a hat stand. One hat said to the other "I'll see you later, I am going on a head"

One strawberry says to another strawberry "If you weren't so fresh you wouldn't be in this jam"

Other favorites of mine:

Have you heard about the corderoy pillow? It's making headlines

A man walks into the library and up to the librarian and says "I would like a big mac and fries please". The librarian says "Sir, this is a library". The man looking very appologetic lowers his voice to a whisper and say "oh sorry, I would like a big mac and fries please" (in hind sight that one really needs to be told out loud).

Anyway, enough window into my strange sense of humor for today :-)


1 comment:

Matthew Crocker said...

Wow, that Nun can really tell a joke!