Friday, December 5, 2008

3rd & Final Cake Class Cake

I have officially graduated from Course 1 of Wilton Cake decorating. They even give you a little degree certificate haha.

Anyway, here is my 3rd cake. Obviously Christmas themed. The pics came out a little blurry but you get the idea. Chris took it to work to share with the English department, so I won't have an opportunity to get better shots. Course 2 starts in January and I can't wait!


Matthew Crocker said...

That is beautiful! I am going to have to break down and just take a class. Your kids are going to have beautiful birthday cakes!

Emma said...

It looks great! I still like the penguins though, can you imagine how fab you'll be after your next set of classes?!

Can penguins fly over the Atlantic?!

j said...

Wow, great cakes Sarah!! I have thought about taking a class myself. My friend teaches one ;o) I would end up eating all the cake too ;o))