So last weekend I went to Winterlude, the women's retreat that is sponsored by my church. I have gone a few years and always loved it. There are over 500 women, from 136 churches in the New England area.
Anyway, this year was a whole different story. I was looking forward to being challenged, but that was not the case. Let me give you the reader's digest version:
First Session (Friday night) - Worship (good), speaker begins with a story about a naked man that snuck in her house...twice. Totally scary, and a good example of her struggle to deal with fear and forgiveness (though I dont' think that was the theme of the weekend). Then we were instructed to just "Love on Jesus" (she is southern, but still). Some random verses were mentioned, then she busted into song. End of session.
Second Session (Sat morning) - worship, fear story about her son (again still not what I think the theme is supposed to be), hands out pillowcases with fear verses on them to women with fearful kids, busts into song again...I leave early.
I had a migraine in the afternoon, so I opted to skip dinner and the last session (tough call), but I did get up and get ready, and eventually head over to the session for just in time to catch the tail end of the talk (yes the bust into song part of the talk). As this was the final session she was pulling out all the stops. So with her PMS Queen t-shirt, plastic tiara and feather boa, she proceed to sing a song she wrote herself about...PMS. But here is the clever part (note sarcasm), by the end of the song PMS didn't stand for prementrual syndrome, it now stands for "Pray More...Seriously". Brilliant (note more sarcasm).
So that was the Winterlude adventure this year. I am a little scared to try again. I mean there were women weeping, and loving this speaker, and I just don't get it. Maybe there is something wrong with me, but if so, I don't think I want to be right.
Would love to type some more, but I gotta go LOVE ON JESUS Y'ALL
12 Wow-Factor Wedding Cakes
1 hour ago
The fact that you did not cry makes me proud to have you as a sister.
Side note: I think I'm going to write a song about male PMS where in the end it actually stands for Pee More...Standing.
HAHAHAHAHA! I'm laughing just thinking about it. Sorry I missed it.
I think blogspot needs to come with a sarcasm font. Sounds like an interesting waste of a weekend.
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