Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Monday, September 8, 2008

My House (inspired by Gretch again)

My house is not my own, but has been generously provided by my Auntie B for a very generous rental fee. We intend to buy a house of our own some time this winter but this had provided a wonderful place for me and Chris (and Manny) while we save and I work in Massachusetts :-)

My house (like Gretchen's) is usually covered in a layer of dog fur. We vacuum/swiffer frequently but it just seems to never go away. Manny is like Pig Pen in the Charlie Brown cartoons with a cloud of fur flurrying around him at any given time

Most of the house is reasonably clean and tidy however our bedroom leaves a lot to be desired. I have had a life long habit of leaving clothes everywhere, and alas marriage has not changed this trait. I try and try to be better, but it is just my biggest struggle domestically speaking :-)

My house holds a wealth of exercise equipment that is rarely/never used. Chris started our marriage calling my exercise ball "in the corner ball" and will have conversations occasionally with it and how it is not used. When we moved to this new house he renamed it "in the basement ball" and has proceeded to tell me how occasionally he runs into "in the basement ball" in the kitchen at night when he goes to get a snack. Apparently "in the basement ball" would like to see some more action. Well "in the basement ball" can hope. Besides I don't know what he is complaining about he has "in the basement eliptical" and "in the basement yoga mat" to keep him company. Perhaps he is just jealous that "in the basement ab-rocket" graduated to "in the family room ab-rocket". Anyway I digress.

Hmm...this blog is getting a bit lengthy. Perhaps I will tell you more about my house tomorrow.

Need some inspiration...

Can't really think of anything particularly interesting to write today.

It's Monday. I am mourning the weekend.

Thinking about homeownership, and what I am really willing to pay...houses are expensive and I would really like to stay in Wakefield if possible.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Joke from Joseph

Joseph was offended I didn't include his joke in the earlier "joke" blog, so here it is.  It takes a minute to get least it did for me :-) haha

Two goldfish are in a tank.  One says to the other, "you man the guns, I'll drive!"

Brain Vomit (inspired by Gretchen)

Here are the thoughts/emotions that are currently bouncing around in my head:

I love my job, just wish I didn't have to be here right now. I am tired and would rather be sleeping. Thank goodness this is only a 4 day week!

Money - Always envisioned myself as the stay at home mom, but honestly I make more and Chris is a trained teacher. Maybe it makes more sense for him to stay home when the time comes. That's his argument anyway. Depending on the day I agree or disagree. Hard to let go of something you have always just assumed would happen

Fat (I am ) - Ugh...I am sick of dieting, but I am also sick of being fat. Really need to figure out how to just slay this dragon. I have been exercising more, but need to get my diet figured out. One day I think Atkins, the next I think Weight Watchers. The problem is if you don't commit to one or the other you are just eating high-carb hich-fat everything. Not a good plan!