Friday, December 19, 2008

Annual Gingerbread House

Well as is tradition, we made our annual Gingerbread House a couple weekends ago. This year our friends, Christie and Flip, came over to help construct and decorate our little house. We had a lot of fun, and managed to get most of the candy on the house instead of in our mouths, so that was another triumph! Little sour patch kids ice skating on the lake behind the GB House.
Christie's tree masterpiece. Must say our landscaping is nice this year
Chris made this wagon for the yard. If only I had a real wagon in my yard that carried gigantic hershey kisses!
Flip constructed the beautiful garden in the front of the house

There is a Christmas tree inside, but it's hard to see in the pic

Friday, December 5, 2008

3rd & Final Cake Class Cake

I have officially graduated from Course 1 of Wilton Cake decorating. They even give you a little degree certificate haha.

Anyway, here is my 3rd cake. Obviously Christmas themed. The pics came out a little blurry but you get the idea. Chris took it to work to share with the English department, so I won't have an opportunity to get better shots. Course 2 starts in January and I can't wait!